Frequently Asked Questions, Haviland Broadband, Legal and Forms
Apply for Lifeline HERE! You will need to choose your state on the left-hand side of the screen, then click “Get Started”. If you need to recertify, there is a separate link on the page to do that, but you will still need to choose your state on the...
About Us, Frequently Asked Questions
Since Haviland Telephone Company, now Haviland Broadband, was acquired by the Ellis family 71 years ago, many improvements, expansions and enhanced services have been added bringing the total subscribers to over 2600. Haviland Broadband currently serves the following...
Frequently Asked Questions, Haviland Broadband, Haviland Broadband Blog Posts
Most people are familiar with their device’s Airplane Mode (you’ve probably used it when jetting off to exotic locations), but did you know that it’s not just for globetrotters? That’s right! Airplane Mode isn’t only for flying; it can be a...
Haviland Broadband, Services
The provision of voice service by the company assumes that only legitimate calls will be originated or terminated. It is illegal when a caller transmits misleading or inaccurate caller ID information with the intent to defraud, cause harm, or wrongly obtain anything...
General, Haviland Broadband
Mainline construction for our first active fiber zone began in late October 2021. Since then, we have completed construction as well as conversion in 3 zones, or about 3/4 of the town. We are working to finish out the 4th and final zone and should be wrapping that up...