
Haviland Broadband Answers
Your Burning Questions!
Okay, maybe not “burning” questions. Browse the topics below or use the search feature to find articles and blog posts answering some of our most frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Why doesn’t Haviland Broadband actively filter my internet access?
We don't provide filters for your Internet access because filtering can limit you as much or more than it protects you. We feel that our customers are the best judges of what they want to use their Internet connections for, and we want to make sure you have as much...
Why can I load some Web pages but not others?
Typically, this means that the server hosting the web page you’re trying to access may be “down” or that the web page has moved. Verify that you have the correct URL. Alternately, the web page you’re trying to access is too busy. Try waiting a few minutes and then...
Can I connect more than one computer to the internet?
Yes. Internet service with Haviland Broadband provides you with a wireless router that connects directly to the connection. You can connect to this router using Ethernet cable or wirelessly. Your technician will assist you with this at installation. If you have...
I already have my own high-speed modem, can I use it?
You’re free to use your own modem if it’s compatible with our systems. Our technicians can assist you at installation or during normal business hours. If you would like to do it yourself, you will need to know the following information: VPI = 0 VCI = 35 Wan link type...
I am trying got hook up a wireless device and I don’t know my password.
Your password is written on the copy of your contract you received when your Internet was first installed. Router passwords are kept on file at our office, so if you cannot locate your contract, please call us during business hours for assistance.
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Haviland Broadband Blog Posts
Beware of These 2024 Emerging Technologies
The global average cost of a data breach last year was USD $4.45 million, which is an increase of 15% over three years. As we step into 2024, it's crucial to be aware of emerging technology threats that could potentially disrupt and harm your business. Technology is...
14 Helpful Tips for the New Year – Digital Decluttering
These days, our lives are intricately woven into the digital fabric. From emails to photos, documents to apps, our devices store tons of information and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the sight of an endless inbox or app library. As the new year begins, it's the...
11 Ways to Responsibly Get Rid of e-Waste at Your Home or Office
In our tech-driven world, electronic devices have become indispensable. With constant upgrades, the old gadgets tend to pile up and eat up storage space, but you can’t just throw them in the trash! E-waste poses a significant environmental threat if not disposed of...
Choose Wisely: What Smart Home Tech Should You Adopt and Avoid
In the age of smart living, our homes are becoming increasingly intelligent. They’re designed to cater to our every need with smart gadgets transforming how we turn on the lights, home security, and more. They even help us feed our pets from afar. But with the rapid...
How To Organize Your Cybersecurity Strategy into Left and Right of Boom
In the pulsating digital landscape, every click and keystroke echoes through cyberspace. The battle for data security rages on. Businesses stand as both guardians and targets while unseen adversaries covet their digital assets. Navigating this treacherous terrain...
What is the Most Secure Way to Share Passwords with Employees?
Breached or stolen passwords are the bane of any organization’s cybersecurity, causing over 80% of data breaches. Hackers get in using stolen, weak, or reused (and easily breached) passwords. Cybersecurity threats are rampant and safeguarding sensitive information has...
Handy Tips to Optimize a Dual-Monitor Setup for the Best Experience
Two monitors are often better than one when it comes to getting things done efficiently. Whether you're a gamer, a creative professional, or an office wiz who loves to multitask a dual-monitor setup can significantly enhance your productivity. A study by Jon Peddie...
Top 7 Cybersecurity Risks of Remote Work and How to Address Them
Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent times, as it provides flexibility and convenience for employees. Additionally, telecommuting reduces office costs for employers. Many also cite productivity benefits due to fewer distractions. Research even shows a...
Do You Still Believe in These Common Tech Myths?
In today's digital age, technology plays a significant role in our lives. Sadly, along with the rapid advancements and innovations, several myths have persisted to be perceived as true. Is it okay to leave your smartphone charging overnight? Do Macs get viruses?...
Handy Checklist for Handling Technology Safely During a Home or Office Move
Moving can be a chaotic and stressful time, especially when it comes to handling your valuable technology. Whether you're relocating your home or office, it's essential to take extra care. Both with fragile items and when packing and moving your devices and other tech...